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Drake’s last album, 2018’s Scorpion, featured posthumous vocals from the singer on “ Don’t Matter To Me.” Drake has finally released the official music video to his Rihanna featuring single Take Care. While Drake aims to be undeniably bigger than Michael Jackson one day, it hasn’t diminished the rapper’s respect for the singer. Watch Young Dylans halftime performance of 'Childs Play' and 'One Dance' on Drake Night. “But what my father and my family accomplished, in the time that they did it, is very unlikely never to be matched again.” Drake Night: Young Dylan Performs - November 16, 2016. “I mean everybody has their own definition of great, and all respect to Drake everything that he does,” Prince said in response to the question from TooFab. Directed by Spiff TV, the music video finds Drake spending the evening with his lady, played by Tyra Banks. Drake tapped the star to make a minutes-long cameo in his just-released Child’s Play music video and the results have us chuckling from beginning to end. Drizzy prepares for that by debuting the official music video for his song Child’s Play taken from his multi-platinum selling album, VIEWS. On “ Going Bad” with Meek Mill, he cooly raps, “I got more slaps than The Beatles.” With that being said, Michael Jackson’s son Prince Jackson was asked whether or not he agrees with Drake’s bold claim on “You Only Live Twice,” and the short answer is: no. Drake is set to release a new short film later this month with Please Forgive Me. “The man I see in the mirror is actually goin’ platinum.” It’s not the first time that the rapper has claimed he’s just as big or bigger than a celebrated music act. “Not sure if you know but I’m actually Michael Jackson,” Drake raps on the song.